Stop and Search

MACDL Conference Features Multiple Wood & Nathanson Attorneys

The 2022 conference of the Massachusetts Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers featured multiple Wood & Nathanson attorneys. MACDL’s newest board member, Senior Associate Melissa Ramos, made sure the event ran smoothly taking charge of logistics for MACDL’s largest substantive event of the year. Attorney Wood presented on gang databases as an unreliable and unconstitutional proxy for race. He also recruited many of the speakers. Attorney Jellison presented on the police use of “training and experience” as cover for racial profiling and lack of reasonable suspicion. Wood & Nathanson attorneys are consistently sought out to present at MACDL and other continuing legal education seminars.

Striking Two Blows for Freedom against Stop & Frisk and Impoundment Searches

In the past week, Wood & Nathanson has helped strike two significant blows for freedom in cases involving police arrests and searches of motorists. Wood & Nathanson alumna Attorney Claire Ward convinced the Supreme Judicial Court to rule that the police must have reasonable suspicion that a suspect is both armed and dangerous before pat frisking them. Also, Attorney Wood and a team of ACLU lawyers drafted an amicus brief that helped convince the SJC to rule for the first time that police cannot routinely impound and search the car of an arrested motorist when a sober, qualified driver is available to take possession of the car.